ash loading block with 9mm cartridges

Supplying Northern Nevada

And Beyond!

We provide a variety of colored brass cartridge case options for the discerning sportsman. As well as other shooting sports related items.

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Our goal is to create new brass cases. Your orders get us one step closer.

About Our Company

Supplying the discerning shooter

Northern Nevada Brass produces colored brass cartridge cases for the shooter who needs to stand out, or blend in. Our products are made for sportsmen that want to find their brass at the range, as well the shooter looking to blend in with surroundings. We have created several colors of brass to provide the shooter with options. Black is ready. Green and copper/rose colored cases will be available soon!


Black 9mm Brass

Additional calibers available soon

Our Merchandise

Current and Future Products

Reloading Accessories

Custom Wooden Loading Blocks

Resized, Cleaned, Inspected Range Brass

Pistol Calibers

A color pallet

beyond Yellow

Dedicated to Providing more than the Basics

Yellow brass is lovely, classic, even elegant, but what if there was more than one choice?

For the handloader to obtain color options for brass cartridges, you have to purchase fully loaded, premium cartridges and fire them to get empty colored brass. Only then can you make the custom load with the colored component.

We would like to offer an alternative to the classic. And not just one alternative.

  • Antique Black with a glossy finish, good for presentations and displays.
  • Dark silver with a matte finish for low reflectivity.
  • Olive Drab green with a matte finish
  • Mottle copper plating with a high gloss
  • Polished copper plating

Team Members

The Management Team

3-D printed plating Barrel





Copper-plated cases



Perfecting the Process

Progressing toward a Finish